9 Classroom Management Tips for Secondary Teachers

Let's face it, high school can be tough. As a high school teacher, you know that classroom management is one of the most important parts of your job. A well-managed classroom is a safe and orderly environment where students can learn and thrive. But achieving that goal can be easier said than done!

To be honest, I'm a people pleaser. It was so hard for me to give consequences when I first started teaching. I eventually found my way. However, it is so much easier to prevent problems than to address issues once they have happened. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

Here are 9 classroom management tips for help you out!

These classroom management tips are prefect to keep your secondary classroom running smoothly.

Classroom Management Tips

1.  Make A Seating Chart

A well-thought out seating chart can be a lifesaver. By placing students who tend to cause trouble next to those who are peacekeepers, you can minimize disruptions. You may also want to consider putting desks in pairs or small groups to encourage collaboration. This also helps you keep track of who is sitting where, and it also discourages misbehavior because students know they can't get away with anything if you can see them.

2.  Prevent Problems Before They Start

Establishing rules and procedures at the beginning of the year will save you a lot of headaches later on. Make sure your expectations are clear and that all students know the consequences for not following the rules. Establish routines for entering and exiting the classroom, passing materials, and using technology. I also teach students to come in the classroom and start on their bellwork right away. It helps quiet students down at the beginning of class, gives me a chance to take roll, and gives me a chance to quickly review a topic.

3.  Keep Lessons Interesting

Boring lessons are a huge threat to good classroom management. I'm not telling you that you need to put on a show! However, varying lessons from day to day and giving students to move or talk makes a huge difference. Variety is the spice of life! Use different types of activities on review days. Try an online game. Find a YouTube video that relates to your lesson. If you students are bored, they're more likely to misbehave.

4.  Plan More Than You Need

It's always better to have too much material than not enough. That way, if there is a problem, or students finish something quicker than expected, you're not scrambling to find something else for your students to do. I like to keep review task cards in a corner of my desk in case I need them. They also save me on the mornings that I forget to make bellwork!

These classroom management tips are prefect to keep your secondary classroom running smoothly.

5.  Prepare Before Class

The better prepared you are for class, the smoother things will go. Take a few minutes before the school day starts to remind yourself of your lessons and double check that you have all the materials you need. I also like to list the order of "things to do" on a sticky note. I like to keep the class period moving quickly, so it helps me remember what's next.

6.  Clear and Consistent Expectations

Students need to know what is expected of them in order to meet your expectations. Be clear when explaining assignments and grading rubrics, and be consistent in enforcing deadlines and consequences for late work.

7.  Be a Bit Silly

Being silly from time to time will help build rapport with your students and make them feel comfortable in your classroom. Being serious all the time can be draining for both of you and your students. I'm not a comedian, but I do let my students see my personality. I'm not a robot! My students find out weird quirks about me through silly word problems (I hate ketchup!), I laugh at their funny jokes, and generally relax. Don't be afraid to show your goofy side form time to time!

These classroom management tips are prefect to keep your secondary classroom running smoothly.

8.  Make Immediate Parent Contact

Contact student's parents at the beginning of the year and let them know something GOOD about their student. Honestly, I don't have time to contact the parents of every one of my students. However, there is a student that has triggered my radar that they may be an issue, I try to make a point to contact their parents with a good story early in the year. If a student is having difficulty meeting your expectations, make sure to reach out to parents right away so they can help support their child's success in your class.

9.  Be Confident

Lastly, don't forget to exude confidence! One of the best ways to ensure good classroom management is to project confidence as a teacher. Your students will feed off your energy. Even if you don't feel confident, pretend. If you believe in yourself and your ability to manage in your classroom, your students will too!

Being an effective high school teacher takes hard work and dedication - but it doesn't have to be impossible. By following these 9 tips, you should be well on your way to having a successful year with minimal disruptions in your classroom! Your students will behave better, learn more, and respect you as a result! So don't wait - get started today!