Are you looking for creative ways to teach your students about percents? It can be a challenge when it comes to presenting this material in an interesting way, but don't worry! We've got you covered with these 12 amusing and helpful ideas for teaching percents. In this blog post, I will share several ideas that I have found useful to help your students understand and learn about percents.
Ideas for Teaching Percents
Fraction, Decimal, Percent Cut-Out Puzzle - This ready to print activity is perfect for helping your students practice fractions, decimals, and percents in a fun way. It is no-prep and will keep students engaged while practicing math. In this activity, students will cut out puzzle pieces and match the correct answers together.
Fraction, Decimal, Percent, Scientific Notation Activity - This cut and paste activity is a fun way to give students a different way to practice. It can even be used in an interactive notebook!
Fraction, Decimal, Percent - This activity uses M&Ms and includes a free download.
Percent of a Whole Number Puzzle Activity - Students will love working together to complete this percent of a whole number puzzle! In this activity, students will match the number with the equivalent expression. Students will find the percent of a whole number in this puzzle.
Percent of a Number Word Problems Sum Em Activity - This is an exciting activity for math teachers to involve their students in! Not only does it allow them to practice finding the percent of a number, but it also encourages teamwork and engagement. Students will have fun working together as a group and trying to finish the set of cards first. This activity can be used at the end of a lesson to check for understanding or as a review leading up to an assessment. It can also be turned into a game, making it even more engaging for students!
Percent Exit Tickets - If you love using exit tickets, these are perfect for assessing your student's knowledge!
Percent Scramble Math Game - In this free math game, students practice finding the percent of a number as they try to score the most points in five rounds of play.
Percent of a Number - This post by @scaffoldedmath on Instagram is a great visual for students to see how to find the percent of a number.
Percent Equations Activity - Word Problems - Stations mazes are great because they get students up and moving around the room. Successfully completing the maze requires students to slow down and check their work. In this activity, students will use word problems to write and solve percent equations.
Percent of a Number Word Problem Task Cards - In these no-prep task cards, students will use word problems to find the percent of a number. These task cards are ready to print and are ready for your class activities!
Percent Proportions Color by Number Activity - My students always love a little coloring practice. This would be great in an interactive notebook too!
Percent of Change Scavenger Hunt Activity - Students will love walking around the classroom while they solve percent of change problems. Topics include simple interest, tax, markups and markdowns, gratuities and commissions, fees, and percent of increase and decrease.
A Step by Step Guide to Scavenger Hunts {and a FREE Percents Scavenger Hunt} - In this post is a free percents scavenger hunt along with step-by-step directions about how to assign scavenger hunts to your students. The free activity covers tax, tip, and discounts.
Percent Increase and Decrease Activity - In this no-prep activity, students will move around the room to practice finding percent increase and decrease. Not only is this an engaging way to practice their math skills, but it also helps them develop important problem-solving abilities. From finding the correct answers to navigating the maze correctly, kids must use a variety of strategies to do well in this interactive exercise.
I hope you find the perfect activity or lesson for your classroom! Teaching percents can be interactive and fun.