First, I review solving absolute value equations. My students solved basic absolute value equations in Algebra 1, but they haven't solved any with the absolute value on both sides. I use this flipbook in Algebra 1, so I don't want to use it again in Algebra 2 (and it's a little too basic for Algebra 2). I created a hamburger book that reviewed absolute value equations. (free download)
Read: Absolute Value Equations INB Page for Algebra 1
It helps SO MUCH to have students highlight the absolute value portion of the equation when they are solving. They are much less likely to make a mistake when isolating the absolute value if it's highlighted. I think it's very important to make sure you include problems with no solution right from the beginning.
After I teach this lesson, I always try to add a little extra review, if I'm able to. This is a topic that my students see again on standardized testing, so I want to make sure they remember. We usually use my Absolute Value Equations Sum 'Em Activity either the day after the lesson or later in the unit. Students have to be able to solve equations with absolute values on both sides of the equals sign to be successful on this activity.
Next, I teach students about graphing. That is always a big day. I'm super corny and say that "they're growing up" and it's time for them to learn about families of functions. We talk about the families of functions they have already learned about or have heard older kids talk about. This foldable is simple, but it keeps all of their graphing information in one place. This foldable is part of the exclusive content in my Algebra Foldable Bundle.
The longer I've taught, the more I've realized that my students don't need a million examples of graphing. It's better to have fewer examples and to find out EVERYTHING about those few graphs. I think it helps students see the big picture better and it makes them less likely to just do "plug and chug" math. When Algebra 1 students are learning about quadratics, they want to just find the vertex and use that to answer every question. If you find EVERYTHING about a function, they are less likely to just use the vertex for everything. I said less likely, they're still going to do crazy stuff sometimes.
The next day is transformations. I only want to teach transformations once. I don't want to have to remind students of the rules with each parent function throughout the year. So, I make a point to teach it early, and teach it well. I made this giant flipbook so students would have everything organized. At the beginning of the year I allow them to describe transformations like "up 2" and "left 3", but as the year goes on I make them use function notation. I start out loosey goosey to make sure they get the concept because I'm not doing it again. This lesson normally takes me two days to do it well. We use whiteboards, we yell things like "UP AND LEFT", and we graph graph graph. I use this flipbook.
I really love using this card sort to practice graphing. It is awesome to use as a warmup on the second day of the lesson. I prefer to have students use a sorting mat and work with partners. I let them glue it in their notebooks afterward if the want to, but I don't require it.

Once I've spent time teaching graphing, teaching students how to graph absolute value inequalities takes like 15 minutes. I used to teach it with four examples, but my students complained so much that it was overkill that I created an additional, shorter, INB page. This page is printed on ledger paper and I cut it in half. The shorter version is a freebie on TpT. If you think your students may need a little more practice, you could always use the short version as a warmup the next day.
After that, we had our unit test!