First, we started with two-column proof tips. I used this same page last year. You can find the page on the link above. However, I didn't write as many notes on the page, because I wanted my honors students to thoughtfully add their own tips to this page.
Then, we completed this flipbook for algebraic proofs. I had my students write all of the properties under the first flap and practice under the second flap. On the last flap, we did a few algebraic proofs together.
The next day, we started segment and angle proofs. I used this foldable so that I could have students add a lot of practice proofs into their notebooks. When we did these examples in class, I had them fill in all of the "givens" first. I want them to see that while proofs may have lots of blanks, there is always SOMETHING that's a "freebie".
Once students were more comfortable with these basic proofs, I gave them a few additional theorems. These theorems aren't in our textbook, but I use them in some honors-level worksheets that I have made. I don't think these are a big stretch for my honors kids. In orange, I have written the shorthand that students are allowed to use on homework and tests. This page is in the exclusive content are of my Geometry Foldable Bundle.