Triangle Similarity isn’t my favorite unit in geometry. I have done things in the past to make it more interesting (for me at least!). For a few years, I used the Flip Family activity. However, this year I just tried to make foldables that were more interesting.
First, I made a page about scale drawings. I think next year, I will start with a day of review of ratios and proportions. My students did ok without it, but I think I need a review day next year.
Then, we completed a flip book about similar polygons. The similar figures examples worked very well for my students. I had my students highlight the corresponding sides of the polygons in different colors so that they could see which sides matched. It helped my lower level students.
Then, we completed an additional page of similar figures word problems. I’m trying to get my students more comfortable with word problems and pulling out the important information.
Then, my students did a number line activity to practice. When I copy the background on colored paper, they look go nice hanging on the wall! I had my students work with partners to complete it.
After that, we talked about proving triangles similar. You can find that post here.