This year in Geometry, I taught Logic as it’s own mini-unit. Before, I’ve always lumped it in together with beginning proofs. However, this year I decided to spend an extra day or two on it and then have a separate test for this unit. It worked out pretty well and most of my students did well on the test. We spent a week and a half on this unit.
First, I used my foldable for conditional statements. I used white paper because I wanted them to color-code the hypothesis and conclusion. My students used two highlighters and used the same colors for the hypothesis and conclusion on the entire page.
On the next page, they did three examples.
I made a page dedicated to counterexamples. I’m not really sure why I did this. Half of this information is included in the biconditional statements hamburger book on the next page. I might not include this page next year. If I do, I might include a few more examples or something. This page was included in the lesson with biconditional statements.
The information in this biconditional statements foldable is good. Overall, I liked it. However, it bugs me that I made the font so big. I think it's size 20. My students aren’t blind! I will make it smaller for next year and include a few more examples since I will have extra space.
Next, came the Law of Detachment and the Law of Syllogism. Students always have such a hard time telling these apart, and I’m not sure why. In class, I felt like I was beating a dead horse with how many times we practiced this and how many different ways I explained it. They still missed it on the test. You can find this Law of Detachment and Law of Syllogism hamburger book here.
I don’t do symbolic logic or symbolic proofs. I know some teachers do, but I after these four lessons, I move on. Beginning proofs is next!