You may or may not have heard, but….
I’m going to Disney World!
I was asked at the last minute to chaperone a student trip to Disney World in January. During Interim Term this year, a group of students is participating in the Disney Youth Education Series and will be going for five days. I’m so excited that I was asked to go! I will be going with one other teacher and we are taking 11 students. The kids that are going are such good kids and I know we’re going to have a great time. Since I’ve never traveled with students, I reached out to my colleagues and online friends to give me tips.
Tips for Traveling with Students
“Take a roll of masking tape. At night, when the students are supposed to be in their rooms for the night, put a piece of masking tape across the outside of the door, from the door to the door frame. Do a quick late night check and another early morning check on the tape. If they’ve opened their door at night, you’re going to know because they can’t re-tape their door from the inside. Let them know you’re doing that. The huge majority of them will not dare to open that door." Utah Roots
“Every single student needs to have your cell phone number saved in their phone and you need every student’s cell phone number. This is a good precaution just in case something happens.” (Of course this may not be for everyone, but I think in my case we will swap phone numbers.)
“When you have a group meeting at the end of every night, get everyone in the group to describe one “rose” for the day and one “thorn”. The rose is a highlight, and the thorn is something that didn’t go so well. It allows members of the group to synthesize their experiences and share with the team.” Tangstar Science
"Have little get togethers in one of your rooms (depending on how tired everyone is) so that the kids can have chaperoned/supervised relaxed and unscheduled time together. Set a timer so that there is an unequivocal end to social hour.” Utah Roots
“Bring some extra toiletries. A student may forget toothpaste, feminine supplies, or something and it would be nice if you could help them out. Also, bring a few granola bars just in case.”
“Easy dry items like granola bars are great to pack. Make a stop to buy bottles of water. You should have a mini fridge in your room, but you do not want to rely on hotel or resort bottled water unless you have a fat wad of cash.” SunnyDaze
“Always tell kids that you need to leave about 10-15 minutes before you actually do. Some students will have trouble getting up on time. This prevents you from running late.”
I'm so excited for my trip! Do you have any Disney travel tips?