Friday was our last day of school before Thanksgiving break. We usually have TONS of absences that day and have shortened class periods. Last year, only half of my students were present. So in Geometry Honors, I decided to give our unit test over Quadrilaterals on Thursday, and doing a little project on Friday.
I actually gave very little guidance on this project. I told my kids that they needed to choose a quadrilateral and create a dating profile or a social media page for that quadrilateral (dating profile, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.). They needed to include 10 facts about quadrilaterals. I told them that they would get 10 points (two homework grades) if they included all the facts and it looked nice, and they would get a sticker if it was extra awesome. No rubric and very few guidelines - I just wanted to see what they would come up with.
Their projects were amazing. I love them. I wanted to share what they came up with :) I will definitely do this project every year that I teach geometry. In fact, I might bulk it up a little bit to make it into a bigger project that’s worth a quiz grade.
Other great quotes:
Square: “I’m a quadrilateral with all angles and all sides congruent. I’m hot because I’m the best of both worlds.”
Square: “I’m not looking for rhombuses or rectangles because they look too similar to my family with their congruent sides. I want a more exotic shape. However, if you don’t have four sides and your angles don’t add to 360, forget it!”
“All my angles sum to 360. #beat that triangle”
“Isosceles trapezoid has congruent diagonals. #TwinningTuesday”
Square: “I can be ya’ll, but ya’ll can’t be me. @rectangle @rhombus”
Rectangle: “I’ve got all the right angles #LOL #punny”
“That moment when… you realize you’re an awesome kite with perpendicular diagonals, but can’t fly.”
“I’m looking for a trapezoid, because I like big bases and cannot lie.”
Trapezoid: “I’ve got a rockin’ bod with exactly one pair of parallel sides.”