I just tested my students over parallel lines in Geometry and they did much better than I expected! Their proof skills are improving so much.
The first interactive notebook page for this unit was this graphic organizer from All Things Algebra. I had students color-code the angle pairs and they also marked on their diagrams.
Next, I used my foldable for parallel line angle pair relationships. Under each flap is a diagram with the definition, the theorem (congruent or supplementary) and an example. I also had students write the theorems in shorthand under the foldable. I do not allow students to write the theorem names when writing proofs, but I do allow them to use short hand. This shorthand that I gave was the minimum amount they could write in a proof.
I created a hamburger book for practice with proofs. I ended up doing some cut and paste with my proofs task cards to create this. I want to create a better looking book (that faces the correct direction!) for next year.
I made the students actually write out the parallel lines converse theorems. I think they needed the muscle memory. I also allowed them to use the converse of the shorthand they used for the original theorems. The little mini-book at the bottom has lots of copy and pasted diagrams inside (read: ugly) from their textbook with examples.
I created another proofs practice hamburger book for the proofs with the converse theorems. I copied and pasted from my task cards. Again, this needs beautifying for next year. It also bugs me that they have to turn their books to read it. I left tons of space on the side of the proof so students could write themselves hints. They are starting to notice patterns in proofs and I wanted them to use this space to note that in their notebooks.
The next page has the perpendicular lines theorems. In the past, I have also done proofs with the perpendicular lines theorems. However, this year I made the executive decision that I wouldn’t include these theorems in their proofs. It isn’t required in our standards, but I always included it for good measure. I haven’t yet decided if leaving it out is a good move or a bad move. The page is to be printed on legal or ledger paper and trimmed down to fit in their notebooks. A friend has gotten me hooked to using the giant paper. :)